Friday, September 5, 2014

I'm Angry

I'm angry because my college refrigerator is too small to fit all the food I want to get.

I'm angry because when I turn off the lights, paranormal spirits awaken and chase me back to my room so I have to run.

I'm angry because sometimes my hand is too fat to fit in the bottom of a honey-roasted peanuts jar.

Or a Pringles container.

I'm angry because I could only bring a small fraction of the books I wanted with me to college.

I'm angry because there is more dust appearing every day on my stuff and I don't know where it's coming from.

I'm angry because a single strand of spaghetti is called a "spaghetto."

I'm angry because there's no proper library nearby with a good young-adult/fantasy section.

I'm angry because I'm too lazy to get up early in the morning, so I'm limited to two meals a day.

I'm angry because mornings.

I'm angry because I'm unable to go see three of my favorite artists - Linkin Park, 30 Seconds to Mars, and AFI - on their Carnivores tour because I get out of class too late.

I'm angry because the Carnivores tour is in town for only one day.

I'm angry because I'm too scared to skip class.

I'm angry because the plural of beef is "beeves."

I'm angry because racial profiling is still a thing.

I'm angry because homophobia is still a thing.

I'm angry because gender inequality is still a thing.

I'm angry because poverty is still a thing.

I'm angry because clothes are still a thing, and things cost money.

I'm angry because some people cut off the corners of a butter stick, instead of shaving off the whole side, thus preserving it's original rectangular shape.

I'm angry because I no longer have my own car and must depend on either friends or the punctuality of public transportation.

I'm angry because I'm too afraid that I'll be annoying if I ask for a ride from my friend with a car.

I'm angry because it's not "socially acceptable" to stay inside all day on your computer and snack.

I'm angry because it's not "socially acceptable" to go outside dressed in pajamas.

I'm angry because it's not "socially acceptable" to openly stare at admire an attractive person and follow them around all day and hug them because you have never seen such striking eyes paired with such casually tousled hair.

I'm angry because exercise is now a thing, now that I'm no longer riding horses twice a week.

I'm angry because Brittany Spears being married for 55 hours doesn't ruin the "sanctity" of marriage, but a gay couple does. Same thing for Kim Kardashian - only I don't care to look up how long her marriage was.

I'm angry because the cord of my newly arrived hot pot is too short to put it up anywhere but on the floor next to the outlet.

I'm angry because I fell out of bed the other day and banged my leg in several places, so I'm getting some attractive bruises all over my shin.

I'm angry because I'm guzzling water at such high altitudes, and thus need the bathroom more than I'm used to.

I'm angry because my water bottle is empty right now.

I'm angry because it's such a pain applying makeup every morning but I'm also too self-conscious to go without.

I'm angry because I just looked at my Skittles bag, and there are only nine Skittles left.

I'm angry because the shell necklaces I tried to artfully string up on my desk kept falling off because Scotch tape sucks.

I'm angry because I enjoy Cool Ranch Doritos way more than I should.

I'm angry because my hiccups are really loud.

I'm angry because some people (adults (40 +)) just can't get to the point in a conversation and instead speak really slowly while carefully constructing their sentences, even though I've already guessed their intent from the first five words.

I'm angry because it isn't "socially acceptable" to interrupt said people and thus save valuable time.

I'm angry because some people think it's okay to read a message and not send one back confirming that they've read it, so I'm left staring at my phone, wondering if they know we're all meeting at 5:00.

I'm angry because it's a huge effort heaving myself up onto my 4 ft bed.

I'm angry because I miss my friends and hometown more than I should, this far into the school year.

I'm angry because it costs $2 to do laundry.

I'm angry because pineapples grow like this:

I'm angry because we know more about the surface of the moon than the bottom of the ocean.

I'm angry because my Intro to Chemistry class is teaching us scientific notation and unit conversions.

I'm angry because sometimes I cry when I don't understand the concept of my homework (I'm looking glaring at you, math).

I'm angry because the difference in time between when Tyrannosaurus Rex and Stegosaurus lived is greater than the difference in time between T. Rex and now, and that makes me feel pretty damn insignificant.

I'm angry because, for a smoke-free zero-tolerance campus, I see a lot of people with cigarettes around.

I'm angry because the brain named itself.

I'm angry because I now only have seven Skittles left.


Case in point? I'm bored.

On my to-do list: Learn to rap Can't Hold Us by Macklemore. I got Fancy and You Need Me, I Don't Need You down cold, and I want another pointless project to occupy myself with.

"And I'm eatingatthebeat, like you gavealittlespeed to a great-white-shark-on-Shark-WeekRAW!!!"


My Happy Little Pill, by Troye Sivan: 

If you go to Troye's YouTube page, he's actually quite a cheerful and funny guy. I just love the haunted feeling of this particular song though.

**EDIT: The song used to be Do It Now, Remember It Later, by Sleeping with Sirens, but I decided to change it. This was the song I originally wanted to post, but forgot the name.

If you want a more upbeat song, I recommend listening to Do It Now, Remember it Later, it's quite funny.

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