Tuesday, November 25, 2014

30 Mental Life Hacks

I've really been enjoying my stay back here in California. Seeing old, comfortable friends and teachers, revisiting familiar grounds, homemade food, purple hair...

Well, not really. It was supposed to be a pinkish purple, but ended up being a purplish pink. I'm not fussy, it'll look cooler once it fades out and blends. Can't do anything about the color, so I won't dwell on it.

In visiting my old high school, I realized I don't really have a lot friends there. Sure, I knew people, and I used to talk to them, but I never considered them my friends. I would've been more comfortable waving than stopping to talk. Then again, I know of one under upperclassman that I really wanted to see, but didn't. A thousand curses upon eye exams.


I Need Some Sleep, by Eels

I've really had a thing for quiet music lately. Hmmm.


Yesterday I wrote "25 Things I Needed To Hear," in which I listed 25 encompassing things I've discovered to bear in mind when struggling through life. I really enjoyed doing it because I believe I am primarily a pessimist more so than an optimist, and it felt good focusing on the inevitable and hopeful things in life - both a pessimistic and optimistic outlook.

Therefore, I want to create another list today, this one not so serious. While it will still have advice, it won't be so serious and deep. More like... serious life hacks? I don't know how to word it.

So, this time I present:

30 Mental Life Hacks
  1. Always keep a water bottle in your car.
  2. Get something new where you go to eat often. Don't stick with your regular.
  3. Make a budget for yourself - and keep to it. But give yourself some play money every once in a while too, so you don't miss out on being with friends just because you were too frugal to splurge. 
  4. Carry a lighter if you travel around a lot - even if you don't smoke. They can be very handy.
  5. If you're texting someone, and are nervous about sending it, SEND IT. You wrote it for a reason.
  6. Prioritize those you miss at 2 in the afternoon when you're working, not 2 in the morning when you're lonely.
  7. Coupons. Coupons are good.
  8. Stay out/up late if you want to, but be sure to wake up early on some of the following mornings instead of sleeping in all the time. You'll be glad you had all of your day.
  9. If someone's talking and you think of something to say, discreetly extend one finger. That way, you won't interrupt the person, but you also won't forget you wanted to say something.
  10. If something makes you laugh until you can't breathe, save it (somehow) for a rainy day. Hoard the things that make you laugh.
  11. If you're nervous about buying something, round the price up. That way, you'll always have money left over.
  12. If your favorite band is in town, go to any and all lengths to see them. Trust me, you won't regret it. Just go to concerts in general, especially outdoor ones. If you want, get drunk with your (trusted) friends - not sloppy drunk, just enough to dance and scream your favorite songs without embarrassment. If you can do that without influence (like I thankfully can; I don't drink) then that's even more reason to go.
  13. Keep a change of old clothes in your car at all time, preferably shoes too. You can never be too careful.
  14. It's okay to pity yourself every once in a while, but check yourself before you dig that hole too deep.
  15. If you think that daring new shirt is cool, though not necessarily your "style," WEAR IT. Don't worry about what others think. You'll look fantastic, I promise.
  16. Keep at least $20 cash on you at all times. You never know when you're going to need cab/bus fare, and not all restaurants split checks.
  17. Don't over-plan your life. Leave a little room for improv. It's nice having stability, but it's nicer having freedom of choice at a fork in the road, where either choice can still let you get to where you ultimately want to be.
  18. Plan out your off days with your friends in advance. You don't want to waste time puttering around, bouncing back and forth the question of, "I dunno, what do you wanna do?"
  19. If someone compliments you, smile and say, "Thanks." Don't be bashful. In most cases, they wouldn't have said it unless they meant it.
  20. Remember to tell your friends, in one way or another, how much they mean to you. You choose the method you're most comfortable with.
  21. If you struggle with acne, above all else, DRINK MORE WATER. Don't waste money on expensive medical creams and washes before giving yourself at LEAST five days of drinking 30% more water than you usually do. It'll keep you hydrated as well - always a good thing.
  22. Aim to be better, not bitter.
  23. While there is such thing as over-packing, don't be afraid to bring along some extra choices. You'll be glad you have options.
  24. If you can, take those extra hours at work. The paycheck will make it worth it.
  25. Clean your room and make your bed, you slob. It'll look much nicer, and you'll feel better you did it. Here's a reassuring opinion: I find that once you get started, it's extremely easy and enjoyable to keep going. No excuses.
  26. You might want to look tan, but looking good isn't worth sunburn or skin cancer. Use at least SPF 30. You'll still tan. No excuses.
  27. If you have to make the first move, make the first move. It's scary, but someone's gotta do it.
  28. Take plenty of pictures. Pictures, pictures, pictures. Of the landscape, of your friends, your pet, your food, the sunsets, selfies. Everything. Memories doesn't last forever without a little help.
  29. You're allowed to be happy. Don't worry if other people expect otherwise, or whisper behind your back. Do what makes you tick.
  30. Don't resist being a little crazy sometimes. No one ever made memories of quiet nights just like all the rest. "When your life flashes before your eyes, make sure it's worth watching." Throw a little spice in there, every now and then.

Good luck. You do you.

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